Published on: October 2017
    Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine, 2017; 3(4):246-253
    Research Article | doi:10.5530/jppcm.2017.4.67

    Factors Affecting on Immunization Compliance: Iraq

    Authors and affiliation (s):

    Omer Qutaiba B Al-lela1*, Mohd Baidi Bahari2, Sara K Baderden3, Amina Y Basher4, Hani Kareem Hamoodi5

    1College of Pharmacy, University of Duhok (UOD), Duhok, Kurdistan region, IRAQ.

    2Faculty of Pharmacy, AIMST University, Kedah, MALAYSIA.

    3College of Pharmacy, University of Mustansiriya, Baghdad, IRAQ.

    4College of Health Sciences, University of Duhok (UOD), Duhok, Kurdistan region, IRAQ. 5Al-Nuaman Teaching Hospital, Baghdad, IRAQ.


    Objectives: To evaluate immunization status and to identify the family and child demographic factors associated with immunization rate in Iraqi children younger than two years. Method: A cross-sectional and a cluster sampling design were implemented; five hundred twenty-eight representative Iraqi families with children between 18 and 70 months of age were interviewed in five public health clinics in Mosul-Iraq. Demographic characteristics of the child and family, and the child’s immunization history were obtained. Immunization rate or completeness was assessed. Risk factors for partial immunization for the 1-5-3-4-1-1 vaccine series were explored using bivariate analyses and multi-level logistic regression models. Results: Less than half of the children had one missed dose, considered as partial immunization cases. The study found significant associations of immunization completeness with fathers and mother’s education level, mother’s race and family income. Number of preschool children, family income, father’s education, mother’s education and marital status were found that strongly impacted on immunization completeness. Conclusion: There is a need to increase awareness about the benefits and importance of vaccination, as well as the harmful consequences of partial immunization. Key word: Immunization Status; Iraqi Child; Complete Immunization; Partial Immunization; Family and Child Factors

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    Cite this article as

    Al-Lela OQ, Bahari MB, Baderden SK, Basher AY, Hamoodi HK. Factors Affecting on Immunization Compliance: Iraq. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine. 2017;3(4):246-53. Abstract