Articles Found 4 results 2017 Alshakka M, Bahattab OA, Ali H, Othman G, Ansari M, Shankar PR, et al. Comparison of the Knowledge and Perception of Pharmacovigilance Among Pharmacy, Dental and Medical Students in Aden-Yemen. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine. 2017;3(4):254-61. Abstract Palaian S, Shankar PR, Chhetri SK. Development and evaluation of a voluntary education module on medicine safety for basic science medical students in Nepal. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine. 2017;3(1):37-8. Abstract Alam K, Poudel A, Palaian S, Koirala B, Shankar PR. Role of Zinc in childhood diarrhea management: a case of Nepal. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine. 2017;3(1):34-6. Abstract Shankar PR, Palaian S. Teaching Social Issues in Use of Medicines to Pharmacy Students. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine. 2017;3(1):17-21. Abstract