Articles Found 9 results 2019 Kannolath RB. A Lens to Understand Sanitation Workers and their Health Status in India. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine. 2019;5(2):36-7. Abstract Haque M. Blessing of Knowledge-Based Empathy to Engender Prudent Prescriber. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine. 2019;5(4):xx-xx. Abstract Tahir M, Haq NU, Abid A, Zafar A. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Pakistan: Undiagnosed Threat to Pregnant Women. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine. 2019;5(4):xx-xx. Abstract 2017 Palaian S, Shankar PR, Chhetri SK. Development and evaluation of a voluntary education module on medicine safety for basic science medical students in Nepal. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine. 2017;3(1):37-8. Abstract Semwal A, Singh R, Azam M. Sexual Dysfunction and its Treatment through Herbal Aphodisiacs. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine. 2017;3(1):39-40. Abstract 2016 Salman S, Abdullah, Idrees J, Shah FH. How Community Pharmacists can Help Patients on Antidepressants at Risk for Suicides and Sexual Dysfunction. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine. 2016;2(3):100-1. Abstract Alomi YA. National Mass Gathering Pharmaceutical Care Program at MOH in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine. 2016;2(3):102-3. Abstract Rafeeque DM. Irrational use of antibiotics in India: Time to work together. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine. 2016;2(1):29. Abstract 2015 Priyendu A, Patel I, AnanthaNaikNagappa. Antibiotic resistance: A growing concern. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine. 2015;1(1):2-4. Abstract