
    Found 9 results

    Kannolath RB. A Lens to Understand Sanitation Workers and their Health Status in India. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine. 2019;5(2):36-7. Abstract
    Haque M. Blessing of Knowledge-Based Empathy to Engender Prudent Prescriber. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine. 2019;5(4):xx-xx. Abstract
    Tahir M, Haq NU, Abid A, Zafar A. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Pakistan: Undiagnosed Threat to Pregnant Women. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine. 2019;5(4):xx-xx. Abstract
    Alomi YA. National Mass Gathering Pharmaceutical Care Program at MOH in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine. 2016;2(3):102-3. Abstract
    Rafeeque DM. Irrational use of antibiotics in India: Time to work together. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine. 2016;2(1):29. Abstract
    Priyendu A, Patel I, AnanthaNaikNagappa. Antibiotic resistance: A growing concern. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Community Medicine. 2015;1(1):2-4. Abstract